2 min read

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” 

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu.

So why did Talent Optimizers take that first step?

Businesses around the globe are starting to understand that the 'WHY' is more important than the 'HOW' or the ‘WHAT’. When you know ‘WHY,’ you will have a compelling reason, and you will always find the ‘HOW’ and ‘WHAT’ no matter how tough things seem, no matter how many times you are knocked down, you will always find the strength to GET BACK UP.

So we’re going to share our ‘WHY’, which supported the development of our Manifesto, Purpose, and Values, but first, a little background to how we decided we needed to take that first step. 

Originally from the United Kingdom, I’ve led cross-functional teams in the UK, Italy, UAE, and the United States for multinational tech companies, including Fujitsu Siemens, Acer, EMC, and Hubspot. 

After over 20 years in corporate, experiencing more lows than highs, I discovered the secret to thriving in the corporate world and feeling inspired, energized, and engaged at work and home.

The common factor in the roles where I excelled was my leadership's ability to adapt their management style to manage more effectively. Along this journey, I became obsessed with self-development, notably how behavioral data could support others to thrive. 

In 2009, I left the corporate environment to launch a successful start-up called Amphibia, which provided a range of training solutions throughout the UK. I sold the company and relocated to the US in 2015. 

Since relocating to the US, I spent two years at the Predictive Index, helping set up and train their partner network.  In September 2021, The Predictive Index, which specializes in Talent Optimization, saw an opportunity to not only progress my career but also transfer some clients they managed directly to increase their focus on their partner network. 

So Talent Optimzers hit the floor running.  However, the pressure was on.  I spent over two years teaching and consulting new Predictive Index consultants on how to grow their talent Optimization consultancies, so bringing on new clients was crucial with a lot of eyes on me to make it a success. 

We brought on 15 new clients in year one, alongside supporting our existing clients.  

How did we do it?

A lot of grit, but the main factor was starting with the ‘WHY.’

This involved not only a true understanding of self and others but also the need to be part of something that feels right and is making a true difference to the greater good.  

With purpose and passion, we’ve embraced the Talent Optimization movement and pulled together a range of solutions that empower organizations to embed the benefits of optimized talent.

Talent Optimizers support organizations in retaining and developing talent and aligning teams with strategy.  We wake up excited to support our clients along this journey.  Why?  Because at the end of the day, we go to sleep at night with a smile. Because we know we help others do the same. 

This helped develop our Purpose, which is as follows. 

Better Work, Better World 

Work, and home life are now no longer separate. Organizations need to support employees to feel as equally energized out of work as much as in work.  

Being the best, we can be today and trying to be better tomorrow. 

We strive to be the best at what we do.  We do this because of 100% commitment to our purpose and believe this passion will support our clients to share our vision of better work, better world. 

We also strive to be the best version of ourselves.  The best we can be today and better tomorrow.  If we fall short, that's ok, too as long as we pick ourselves back up and continue trying.   

Making a difference beyond our core focus 

We support the community, spend time with family, and inspire others through achievements.  We believe positively impacting the world often goes beyond our core mission of better work better world. 

So that's our ‘why’ and how it helped us take that first step. 

As we continue to grow, we’ll continue to implement and follow the same principles we teach our clients, lift the hood, and share our secret sauce to help others. 

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